23 January 2013


A Word on Earth News
Abajo en Español

The Chinese, says the press, are making a huge investment in Education. That is good for their children because able children will become able youth innovative and creative who, in turn, will become able adults. Regardless of the different political views that guide  governments in the west and in the east, the fact is that in the western hemisphere only a small percentage of the population has access to good education. There, in the far east, everyone gets the same. And they are 1.342.239.923 people - almost one and a half billion - which means that the rest of the world would be wise making sure that, in a decade time, their own are  educated good enough.

Sylvia Davila Morales M
Illustration: Google Images
January 23/2013

Los Chinos, dice la prensa, están haciendo un inversión gigante en Educación lo cual, por su puesto, es bueno para sus niños que se convertirán en jóvenes capaces, innovadores y creativos, y que a su vez llegarán a ser adultos capaces. Dejando de lado las distintas visiones políticas que guían sus gobiernos, el hecho es que en los países occidentales sólo una pequeña parte de la población tiene acceso a una buena educación. Allá, en el lejano oriente, todos reciben la misma. Y, son 1.342.239.923 personas - casi un billón y medio - lo cual significa que el resto del mundo haría bien en asegurarse de que, dentro de una década, sus nacionales estén suficientemente educados.

21 January 2013


 I guess every new year begins sort of... like this.
May every one find the way

Happy New Year

Pipolmagazine / Sylvia Davila M
Bogotá - January 21/2013

Note: I found this photo in the web some years ago. It had no author's name. Should the author want to include his or her name, please contact me at syldavmm@gmail.com or here in my blog. I remind that I do not receive any earnings for what I publish here. This is just a space for everybody's eyes only. Sylvia Davila M/ Bogota

10 January 2013


By: Sylvia Davila MM
January 10/2013

Listening to the arguments and suggestions from different points of views that CNN has brought to the gun ownership debate in America I just wonder:

Which of these bullets kills more.... or less?

       Pistol bullet                                                       Rifle bullet



09 January 2013



By: Silvia Davila MM
Illustration: Google Images
January 9/2013

Lo que está sucediendo en Venezuela ilustra bien un fenómeno bastante arraigado en toda Latinoamérica, quizás en todo el mundo: cuando se encuentra una dificultad que involucra a las instituciones o los derechos, toda acción se aborda desde el estricto punto de vista legal, por su puesto, hecho que en manos habilidosas termina convertido en lo que se conoce como una leguleyada. El principal efecto de este fenómeno es que pasa por alto las motivaciones y los principios de los que nacieron las instituciones y los derechos. Verbi gracia:
Un Presidente es elegido por su pueblo para que lo gobierne. Cuando un Presidente enferma al punto de ser incapaz de gobernar es su responsabilidad y obligación dar paso a otros que, en uso de sus plenas facultades físicas y metales, lo hagan. Es una obligación de los gobernantes y un derecho de los pueblos. El mundo no se detiene por nadie y todo país enfrenta miles de retos diarios. Son principios que, aunque elementales, tienden a pasarse por alto. El Estado, en principio, es un entramado de variadas funciones que tienen como objetivo hacer posible la vida y el progreso de las gentes. Es por eso que quienes trabajan en él son llamados servidores públicos. El poder político es un ejercicio de servicio no un nido para el amor propio. Y la responsabilidad cuando lo que está en juego es un país, no es opcional./ Sylvia Davila M (c)January 9/2013


What is happening in Venezuela now illustrates well a phenomenon deeply rooted in all Latin America, maybe in all the world: when faced to a difficulty that involves institutions or rights, all actions are approached from a strict legal point of view, of course, fact that handled by skilled hands end up transformed in what is known in Latin America as a "leguleyada". The main effect of this phenomenon is that it overviews the motivations and principles that gave born in the first place to institutions and rights. Verbi gracia:
A President is elected by his people to govern. When a President gets ill to the point that he cannot longer govern, it is his o her responsibility and obligation to give way to others who's physical and mental abilities allow them to do so. It is a ruler's obligation and a people's right. The world stops for no one and every country has to face thousands of daily matters. Though elementary, those are principles that tend to get overviewed. The State is a scheme of various functions that aims to make possible peoples lives and progress. That is why those who work in it are called public servants. Political power is a Service exercise not a nest for self love. And responsibility when what is at stake is an entire country, is not optional./ Sylvia Davila Morales (c) January 9/2013


By: Sylvia Davila MM
January 9/2013


I posted this a year ago, but it seems that what is good repeats.

Martin Luther King's dream made all its way through with Barack Obama. On that won-election day, when he showed up walking before a huge american flag waving stars and stripes, King's dream broke a frontier in history from slavery to leadership. For a change.

/SDM, Ilustrations: Google Images