By: Silvia Davila Morales M
All written Content and some photos of this Blog
 are under COPYRIGHT





It is strange how things can be perceived differently according to a scale. In every activity on Earth the best prepared people is required. It seems logical. To assure success in whatever needs to be done - build a bridge, cure a sick person, lead a business, or paint a house - people that have gathered the necessary information that has trained skills on a specific issue and learned from past experience is the most important asset. All enterprises, business and institutions look for them. However in other scale the same concept - education - in a society as a whole has to struggle through budgets and indifference. Educators, teachers, are placed midway down in the social scale. It does not seem to make sense. If a business venture of any kind disregarded the preparation of its employees its success would be doubtful. But countries do. Education is rated second in importance in their aims. The result worldwide is a huge amount of people unable to participate wisely. On the contrary, they become a burden. That is why a teacher standing in his or her classroom before students of any age is the key for any society progress and development. The day teachers are regarded as bankers are today this world would drastically change for the better. / SDMM
Es curioso como un mismo concepto puede ser visto en forma diferente según la escala en la que se mire. Cualquier actividad en la Tierra busca la gente más preparada. Tiene sentido. Para asegurar el éxito en cualquier cosa que se deba hacer - construir un puente, curar un enfermo, dirigir una empresa o pintar una casa, - personas que hayan recogido la información necesaria, que se hayan entrenado en un tema específico y que hayan aprendido de experiencias pasadas son el activo más importante. Todas las empresas, negocios e instituciones los buscan. Sin embargo, a otra escala el mismo concepto - la educación - en las sociedades como conjunto tiene que luchar su camino por los presupuestos oficiales y la indiferencia. Los maestros ocupan un renglón menor en la escala social. No tiene sentido. Si un negocio cualquiera desestimara la preparación de sus empleados su éxito seria dudoso. Sin embargo los países lo hacen. La educación es tema de segundo o tercer renglón en importancia dentro de sus metas. El resultado en el mundo entero es una enorme cantidad de gente incapaz de participar de forma inteligente. Por el contrario, se vuelven una carga. Es por eso que un maestro parado en su salón de clase frente a estudiantes de cualquier edad es la clave del progreso y el desarrollo de cualquier sociedad. El día que los maestros sean estimados como lo son hoy los banqueros este mundo cambiaria drásticamente para mejor. /SDMM


Energy use is a personal thing for everybody on Earth. Almost everything is driven by energy, industries, communications, households. People’s relationship with energy use is as intimate as their laptop, cel phone, tv remote control, home lights, air conditioner or stove. Energy use is an ever present extension of their lives. A different matter is Energy production. For the general public, energy production belongs to an external realm; it happens somewhere away and concerns only specialists. Far from the truth. Energy production hits the very center of our hearts.

As the planet’s resources begin to fade – nothing is eternal on Earth – life as it is known now will have to change. It will gently turn backwards taking technology away. As gentle as the process is, it will not happen to this generation but to our children and grandchildren, our loved ones, the center of our heart. They will have to struggle with what we do or do not do today. To prevent that from happening we must save actual resources, find new ones and be able to love loved ones that we have not yet meet and perhaps never will. It is an individual crusade. Saving energy resources and finding new sustainable forms is, in fact, love in advance./SDMM


El uso de la energía es un asunto personal en la Tierra. Casi todo funciona con Energía, industrias, comunicaciones, hogares. La relación de la gente con el uso de la Energía es tan intima como la que tienen con el laptop, el celular, el control remoto de la televisión, las luces de la casa, el aire acondicionado o la estufa. El uso de energía es una extensión de su vida. Una cosa muy diferente en la producción de Energía. Para el público en general, la producción de energía se ubica en un mundo externo, lejos al propio y solo interesa a los especialistas. Nada más lejos de la realidad. La producción de Energía toca el mismo centro de nuestro corazón.

A medida que los recursos del planeta empiezan a escasear, nada es eterno en la Tierra, la vida como la conocemos tendrá que cambiar. Lentamente volverá hacia atrás llevándose la tecnología. Tan lento como el proceso es, no lo vivirá esta generación sino la de nuestros hijos y nuestros nietos, nuestros seres más queridos, el centro del corazón. Ellos tendrán que luchar con lo que nosotros hagamos o no hoy. Para evitar que eso ocurra. debemos ahorrar los recursos energéticos existentes, encontrar nuevos y ser capaces de amar a seres queridos que aun no conocemos y quizás no conozcamos nunca. Es una cruzada individual. Ahorrar energía y encontrar nuevas formas sostenibles es, de hecho, amor premeditado./SDMM


Internet loose to the World with no other aim that possible formidable profit, got fragmented in millions of hands seeking individual aims, presumably, in the name of freedom. Freedom to think, to speak, to share which the web, in fact, gives. But it is also true that creators, developers, artists and free thinkers get overwhelmed in the web by a horde of wolves looking for personal profit out of somebody else's gifts, abilities and work.

The problem with that situation is not just the unfairness and personal loss to creators. The tragedy to the World is that thinkers and creators that cannot make their living from their gifts will become extinct. And all that would be left on Earth is a jungle of sharks killing for a dime./ SDMM


When it comes to financing political campaigns people may have a perception that might not be quite accurate when measured in a short range. It is clear that every person, bussiness, enterprise or organization around the world that give money to a political campaign is defending personal interests. All people bet for a vision that they think will give them what they want. Some bet for a simple, happy, dignified life, some others have dark personal motives. But helping a political campaign by donating money has less to do with immediate needs that with long term effects.

While the money of a campaign is often measured in terms of what it can do with it - costly Media advertisement and general organization that has to get done - what that money actually does from the point of view of the giver is to stand by gains that can be also be measured in terms of money and that return to everyone multiplied several times.  The American campaign taking place these days gives some good examples. 

Giving money to a political vision that keeps youth in their parents Health insurance until they are 26, for example, saves money for the youth, for their family and gives an immeasurable good, Health. How costly can be health care in a person's life. Make numbers. Supporting a vision that prevents students loans to climb up, saves money for the students and their families and provides another immeasurable good, Education. Just calculate the economic impact of education in a person's lifetime. Standing by equal pay for women increases every household budget and gives a long time fairness. The gain in those three cases takes place not just in present but in future time.

Giving money to a certain political or social vision anywhere in the world has less to do with the number of TV adverts that can be aired during the campaign, than with an intelligent investment in a group of decisions that in the long run will make money increase and return to every individual and to a nation as a whole. When people support financially a political campaign, they are not just helping the representative of their ideas and hopes to win a rase. Donators are helping themselves towards a life they want and believe in. A vision that will better their lives. And if in this monetized World the benefits need to be measured in terms of money, well, people should calculate the long term economic effects of every  proposal or every accomplished fact. / Sylvia Davila Morales. Ilustration Google Images.


Cuando se trata de financiar campañas políticas, la gente tiende a tener una percepción que puede no ser exacta vista a corta distancia. Es claro que toda persona, empresa u organización que financia una campaña política en cualquier parte del mundo está defendiendo intereses personales. Cada uno le apuesta a la visión que piensa le dará lo que quiere. Algunos buscan una vida buena y digna, otros tienen oscuros motivos. Todos dan. Pero financiar una visión social o política tiene que ver menos con necesidades inmediatas que con efectos a largo plazo.

Mientras el dinero de una campaña por lo general se mide en términos de lo que la campaña puede hacer con él - costosa publicidad mediática y organización general - lo que ese dinero hace, desde el punto de vista del donante, es sostener ganancias que en el largo plazo regresan a la gente multiplicadas varias veces. Lo que está sucediendo en la campaña de los Estados Unidos ahora es un buen ejemplo.

Dar dinero a una visión que mantiene a la juventud hasta los 26 años en la póliza de salud de los padres, por ejemplo, ahorra dinero a la juventud, a su familia y brinda un tesoro inconmensurable, Salud. Baste con calcular los costos de la salud en la vida de una persona. Apoyar una visión que evita el aumento de los costos de los prestamos estudiantiles, ahorra dinero al estudiante y a su familia y da otro tesoro inconmensurable, Educación. Baste con calcular el impacto económico de la educación en la vida de cualquiera. Apoyar sueldos iguales para las mujeres aumenta el presupuesto de cada hogar y da sostenida equidad. Los beneficios de esos tres ejemplos se dan no solo en el presente sino en el futuro.

Dar dinero a una visión política específica tiene menos que ver con el número de avisos televisados que puedan pautarse, que con una inversión inteligente en una visión especifica que a largo plazo aumentará la cantidad de dinero de cada persona y de la nación en general. Cuando se apoya una campaña política no se está ayudando a un candidato o a un presidente a ganarla, nos estamos ayudando a nosotros mismos impulsando la visión que queremos y en la que creemos. Una visión que hará nos dará una vida mejor. Y si en este mundo metalizado los beneficios deben necesariamente medirse en términos de dinero, pues hay que calcular los efectos a largo plazo de cada promesa o de cada hecho cumplido. /SDMM


Very often independent verification actors, the press or the Democratic Campaign Truth Team come up setting right information that has been put out of context, mislead, lied about or somehow twisted by the opposite campaign in their TV adds or speeches. It happens so often that it creates a worrying fact that Americans would do well thinking about. Because if to reach a tough aim, any aim - in this case the Presidency of a nation - the information that is given to people is deliberately misused, ¿what credibility would they have should they reach their aim? A Presidency always has tough aims to reach. It is worrying not just to the world that would have to deal with them, but to the people of their nation who would have to decide - every time with every issue - to believe them or not. 

Also, it is at least ironic to hear the Republican candidates crying for an end of a crisis that happened (Wall Street crisis) during the last days of eight years of Republican rule./SDMM


Muy a menudo actores independientes encargados de verificar la información política, la prensa o el Truth Team de la Campaña Demócrata salen a corregir información que ha sido puesta fuera de contexto, sobre la que se ha mentido o se ha cambiado en alguna forma por parte de la campaña opositora en sus comerciales televisados y en los discursos. Sucede tan a menudo que el hecho crea una situación preocupante la cual los americanos harían bien en reflexionar. Porque si para alcanzar una meta difícil, cualquier meta - en este caso la Presidencia de la Nación - la información que se le da al público es deliberadamente cambiada ¿qué credibilidad pueden esas personas tener si alcanzaran la meta? Toda Presidencia siempre tiene metas difíciles de alcanzar. Es preocupante no solamente para el mundo que tendría que lidiar con ellos sino para su propia gente que tendría que decidir - cada vez y en cada caso - creerles o no.

También, es por lo menos irónico oír a los candidatos Republicanos pedir a gritos el final de una crisis que sucedió (la crisis de Wall Street) precisamente en las postrimerías de ocho años de gobierno Republicano./ SDMM


Photo: Laura Wills

"Social responsibility" are words that have come in use especially regarding the private sector's involvement in social issues. But the term has a wider meaning: the responsibility of an entire society with decision it makes collectively and individually, decisions that will have an impact in every person's life, in their country, and in the world at large.

To vote is an individual decision that becomes a collective action and sets the course for one and for all. That is why a cornerstone of "social responsibility" is every individual being well informed about the decision he or she is going to make. The American Democratic Convention - the people that have ruled the most powerful country on Earth for the last four years - begins today until Thursday. It would make sense for every one, followers, oppossitors or indiferents, to listen to what they have to say./SDMM


El término "responsabilidad social" se ha puesto de moda especialmente cuando se refiere a la participación del sector privado en temas sociales. Pero estas dos palabras tienen un significado mucho más amplio: la responsabilidad de toda una sociedad con las decisiones que toma en forma individual y colectiva, decisiones que impactan, no solo la vida personal de cada uno, sino la del país en el que vive y el mundo en toda su dimensión.

Votar es una decisión individual que se transforma en una acción colectiva y define el rumbo para uno y para todos. Es por eso que parte fundamental de la "responsabilidad social" son individuos bien informados sobre las decisiones que van a tomar. La Convención Demócrata de los Estados Unidos - la de las personas que han gobernado el país más poderoso del planeta durante los últimos cuatro años - empieza hoy hasta el jueves. Tendría sentido para todos y cada uno seguidores, opositores o indiferentes, oir qué tienen qué decir/ Sylvia Davila Morales


Martin Luther King's dream made all its way through with Barack Obama. On that won election day, when he showed up walking before a huge american flag waving stars and stripes, King's dream broke a frontier in history, from slavery to leadership. For a change.

/SDM, Illustrations: Google Images



The present scenario in the most powerful country of the planet shows a very interesting and exceptional situation.  At his head is a man that eliminates in himself an ancient racial conflict by being both white and black and who – for the same reason – has walked the path of minorities. When hardships have been tasted in life, recognition of needs and difficulties is at hand. He showed up calling for change but, exceptionally, he has actually lived what needs to be changed: inequality, discrimination and poverty. His resume shows uncommon decisions in a politician. When studies were accomplished and the next step of an already successful career was to be taken, he chose to work for civil rights, a vocation for service that took over personal ambitions. The fact that he managed to reach the first post of his nation from there, states abilities, preparation and leadership, it is a long bumping road. And he is only fifty. His resume comes regularly with a wide smile.

A multicultural country taught to struggle, challenged to ever grow, proud of its past efforts, used to comfort, rich and creative is witnessing an alternative path to the use of power. Despite the straight jacket that any presidency is, surrounded by strong interests and challenging decisions, his have been coherent with his initial call: a vision tan encompasses, unifies, respects, shares, gives. Just as interesting is the man he chose for the ticket, an exponent of that part of white American people that care for others without differentiation. For more than a decade in Congress his banner was women and children's rights. The subjects they choose to stress speak for themselves. Their wives work one for children’s nutrition and the other for children’s education. 

As difficult and complex as this world is and has been, power is always unique what changes is the people who hold it.  Civilizations have always been built by men and women who dared to change history. In a World’s momentum when the floor is moving under all continent´s feet,  when nature is claiming its strength, when statistics announcie an abyss, when the planet itself is building immeasurable challenges, the leadership that takes over defines the future of a country and of the world. In these circumstances, the equation B&B –  a vision that includes everyone – in the most powerful country in the world is, in fact, an exceptional and extra-ordinary scenario in recent history. Power with a human touch. Barack & Biden seem to be at the right moment, in the right place./SDMM

El presente escenario en el país más poderoso del planeta resulta muy interesante pero, sobre todo, excepcional. A la cabeza está un hombre que elimina en sí mismo un viejo conflicto racial al ser a la vez blanco y negro y quien, por la misma razón, conoce el camino de las minorías. Cuando en la vida se han probado las dificultades, reconocerlas en otros es posible. Subió al escenario proponiendo como muchos un cambio pero, de hecho y excepcionalmente, él vivió lo que necesita ser transformado: inequidad, discriminación y pobreza. Su hoja de vida muestra decisiones poco comunes en un político. Tras terminar sus estudios y estar avocado a decidir el siguiente paso de una carrera ya exitosa, eligió trabajar por los derechos civiles, una vocación de servicio que se impuso sobre ambiciones personales. El hecho de que haya alcanzado el puesto más alto de su nación sugiere habilidad, preparación y liderazgo, es un camino escarpado. Y, tiene apenas cincuenta años. Acompaña su hoja de vida una amplia sonrisa.

Un país multicultural, enseñado a luchar, retado a crecer, orgulloso de su pasado, acostumbrado a la comodidad, rico y creativo está siendo testigo de un camino alternativo para el uso del poder. Pese a la camisa de fuerza que toda Presidencia es, rodeada de fuertes intereses y decisiones difíciles, las suyas han sido coherentes con su visión inicial en el contexto de su país. Una visión que reúne, unifica, respeta, comparte, da. Igualmente interesante es el hombre que eligió para su fórmula presidencial. Un exponente de esa parte de la América blanca que cuida de otros sin diferenciaciones. Durante más de una década, su estandarte en el Congreso fueron los derechos de los niños y de las mujeres. Los temas que eligen para trabajar hablan por sí mismos. Sus esposas, trabajan una por la nutrición de los niños y la otra por su educación.

Tan complejo como ha sido siempre el mundo, el poder permanece único, cambian quienes lo detentan, y son ellos quienes han forjado las civilizaciones cuando se atrevieron a cambiar la historia. En un momento en el que el piso se mueve en todos los continentes, cuando la naturaleza clama su fuerza, cuando las estadísticas anuncian abismos, cuando el planeta mismo plantea un reto incalculable, el liderazgo que se imponga definirá el futuro de los países y del mundo. Siendo así, una formula como B&B – una visión incluyente – en el país más poderoso del planeta es, de hecho, un escenario excepcional y extra-ordinario en la historia reciente. El poder con un toque humano. B&B parecen estar en el momento y lugar adecuados./ SDMM ©


History, after all, is a point of view; therefore, perspective always makes a difference. In the history of Humanity the center of power has gently moved from east to west, from the far East, to the Middle and near East, to the Mediterranean, to Europe and to America. A world that turns. Every one of those powerful cultures left an imprint of their leadership. But as power changed from hand to hand in every one of them, that imprint delivered both enlightment and all sorts of shades.
During the last period that began in the 80s - when in America transformative Hippies gave way to the Yuppie era led by Ronald Reagan´s eight years administration - the world at large began a process of tight conflicts, wide economic gaps and increased population. Recently, at the turn of the millennium led in America by eight years of both Bush administrations, the world saw emerge the peak of an iceberg crowned by the Wall Street crisis, a crisis that revealed to the public a tragic truth: greed, ambition, selfishness, immorality and a blind quest for money had left people without their money, their job, their hopes, and was pushing the entire world to an edge. Angry mobs in America and by extension all over the world were ready to hit the streets "indignant" with the way their lives were being handled.

When that scenario was on stage a most extraordinary thing happened in America. Martin Luther King's dream made all its way through with Barack Obama. On that won election day, when he showed up walking before a huge American flag waving stars and stripes, King's dream broke a frontier in history, from slavery to leadership.

His proposal was change that though innovative these days, actually takes us back to the roots of civilization. From the very beginning communities gathered around resources, built shelters, became productive, taught their children the ways of survival and managed to make that happen for all. That essence of life remains at the heart of every community today as it was at the beginning, and it was what that unexpected black-white American president was delivering, the essence of a community life: Jobs (see charts) Health (Obamacare); Rights (Dont´ask don’t tell), equal pay for women (everybody´s rights); Education (teachers back to classrooms); New sources of Energy; taxes fair for all; Peace (end of Irak war) etc. What matters here are not the stats themselves but the subjects chosen the priorities, the principles of any community. And what is ironic of those same stats is that they serve both his followers and his opponents. Teachers do not ask children´s political affiliation to make them wise; doctors attend their patients regardless of their political likes; energy arrives to every home; equal pay for women increases all household budget. Obama holds a vision that gives and shares.

The contrast between these facts -the basics of a good community life - and the Wall Street crisis symbol is there for all to see and to choose. So the world turns. The great grand child of the first slave registered in America, Barack Obama, closes beautifully a circle when standing at the top he extends a hand to everyone. Someone who cares.

When giving takes place fairness arises, violence melts, life become productive, peaceful and joyful, principles that define and build a civilization. In fact, those were the tools that the first Americans used to start creating the big nation they have today. Community principles  run on their veins. Recognition of a right lead should be at hand. Besides, a leadership with such a vision making an impact on this globalized world can change it for the good of all. That is why Americans heading these days to a general election have in their hands an historic choice: to keep and reproduce the Wall Street crisis symbol and go on being "indignant", or to take leadership to show the World a very much needed Change that will serve, first of all, them./ SDMM


La historia después de todo, es un punto de vista. Por eso, la perspectiva hace siempre una diferencia. En la historia de la humanidad el centro de poder se ha movido lentamente del este al oeste, desde el lejano Oriente al mediano y cercano Oriente, al Mediterráneo, a Europa y a América. Este es un mundo que gira. Cada una de esas poderosas culturas ha dejado la huella de su liderazgo. Pero como el poder pasó de mano en mano en cada una de ellas, esa huella tiene tanto de ilustración como de sombras.

Durante el último período que empieza en los 80s – cuando en Norteamérica la profunda transformación Hippy dio paso a la era Yuppie liderada por ocho años de administración Reagan – el mundo en su conjunto inició un proceso de apretados conflictos, brechas económicas y aumento poblacional. Más recientemente, al iniciar el Nuevo milenio liderado en América por ocho años de las administraciones Bush, el mundo vio surgir el pico de un iceberg coronado por la crisis de Wall Street, una crisis que puso de manifiesto una trágica verdad: la codicia, la ambición, el egoísmo, la inmoralidad y una búsqueda ciega de dinero había dejado a la gente sin su dinero, su trabajo, sus esperanzas, y empujaba al mundo entero al borde del abismo. Multitudes furiosas en América y por extensión en todas partes del mundo estaban listas a salir a las calles indignadas con el manejo que se le estaba dando a sus vidas.

Cuando ese era el escenario, algo extraordinario sucedió en América. El sueño de Martin Luther King recorrió todo el camino con Barack Obama. En día de su elección cuando caminó frente a una bandera gigante vestida de rayas y estrellas, el sueño de King rompió una frontera en la historia, de la esclavitud al liderazgo.

Su propuesta fue un cambio que, aunque innovativo por estos días, de hecho, nos remonta a las raíces de la civilización. Desde el comienzo de la historia las comunidades se reunieron en torno a recursos, buscaron refugio, se volvieron productivas, enseñaron a sus hijos las claves de la supervivencia y consiguieron que todo eso sucediera para todos. Esa esencia de la vida permanece en el corazón de toda comunidad hoy como lo hizo en los comienzos, y fue eso lo que un inesperado presidente blanco/negro estaba ofreciendo: Trabajo (Ver tablas), Salud (Obamacare), Derechos (Dont´ask don’t tell), Equidad en los sueldos de las mujeres (los mismos derechos para todos), Educación (Maestros de vuelta a las aulas), nuevas Fuentes de Energía, Paz (fin de la guerra en Irak), etc.
Lo que es interesante de estos hechos no son tanto los hechos en sí mismos como los temas escogidos para trabajar, las prioridades, los principios de toda comunidad. Y lo que es irónico de los mismos hechos, es que estos sirven tanto a sus seguidores como a sus opositores. Los maestros no preguntan la afiliación política de los estudiantes, los médicos tampoco lo hacen con sus pacientes, la energía llega a todas las casas, sueldos equitativos para mujeres aumenta el presupuesto de todos los hogares independientemente de su afiliación política. La visión de este presidente norteamericano da y comparte.

El contraste entre lo arriba expuesto – lo básico de una buena vida comunitaria – con el símbolo de la crisis de Wall Street está a la vista de todos. Sólo hay que escoger. El mundo sigue girando. El tataranieto del primer esclavo registrado en Norteamérica cierra increíblemente un circulo cuando al llegar a la cima extiende la mano no a algunos sino a todos.

Cuando la equidad tiene lugar, la justicia toma vida, la violencia desaparece y la vida se vuelve productiva, pacifica y feliz, todos principios que definen y construyen una civilización. De hecho, esas fueron herramientas que utilizaron los primeros pobladores de Norteamérica para construir la nación que hoy tienen. El principio comunitario corre por sus venas. Reconocer el liderazgo correcto debería suceder sin dificultad. Además, un liderazgo con ese contenido tendría un impacto en este mundo globalizado capaz de cambiarlo para beneficio de todos. Es por eso que los Americanos que por estos días se preparan para sus elecciones, tienen en sus manos una escogencia histórica: mantener y reproducir el símbolo de la crisis de Wall Street y seguir indignados, o asumir el liderazgo y mostrarle al mundo un cambio a todas luces necesario que sirve, primero que a todos, a ellos mismos./ Sylvia Dávila M ©


En los innumerables discursos que se dieron durante la Convención Demócrata se oyeron muchas y buenas frases pero hubo dos que resumen lo que está en juego para los Latinos americanos en las elecciones presidenciales que se avecinan: la primera, "el sueño no es solo americano sino universal", y la segunda " no se trata tanto de talentos como de oportunidades". De hecho, el sueño americano es el sueño de vida de cualquier persona en este mundo: ir hacia adelante y hacia arriba, de la pobreza a la abundancia, de la desocupación al oficio, de la ignorancia al conocimiento, de la dificultad al éxito, de la desdicha a la dicha. Y cuando se intenta conseguirlo en tierra ajena la diferencia la hacen las oportunidades que esa tierra brinde.

En Estados Unidos se dan muchos y variados casos de latinos exitosos en muchas disciplinas. Como el mexicano Jose Hernandez oficial de la NASA, la cantante y compositora cubana Gloria Estefan ubicada entre los cien mejores, o el científico colombiano Rodolfo Llinás que dirige el departamento de Neuro-ciencias de la Universidad de Nueva York. Apenas tres ejemplos de latinos que llegaron alto en sus carreras sin duda por sus talentos, pero también sin duda porque encontraron en el camino oportunidades de avance. También es cierto que hay muchos latinos que se mueven en el circulo de los "servicios primarios" y andan por ahí con el sueño bien apretado entre el bolsillo. Para ellos, como lo fue para los anteriores, la posibilidad de sacar el sueño del bolsillo reside en la visión que de ellos tenga la tierra que los hospeda. O bien los incluye con todas las oportunidades que ello implica, o apenas les permite vivir allí para hacer uso de sus buenos servicios. Son dos visiones opuestas. En estas elecciones se enfrentan también dos visiones distintas. Para diferenciarlas todo lo que hay que hacer es darle una mirada a la intención que hay detrás de cada decisión, medida o política que ha impactado, impacta o impactará lo esencial de la vida - el sueño en el bolsillo - de cada uno de los latinos en America. El sistema de salud los incluye o excluye?. A la educación, tienen acceso equitativo?. El trabajo, hay oportunidades de crecimiento? A estas alturas de mi blog no sorprendrá a ninguno de mis lectores oirme decir que la respuesta a esas preguntas en este preciso instante de la historia americana es Barack Obama.
Lo he dicho antes:

Y creo que es así porque la suya es una visión que equilibra, que incluye, que comparte. Un plan de salud que abarca a todos, cargas taxativas equitativas, tarifas educativas accequibles a diversos presupuestos, la defensa de los derechos de los niños latinos nacidos allí, una visión que abre las puertas a los que apenas empiezan. Como el mismo Obama lo ha dicho tantas veces, una visión en la que cada uno tenga una oportunidad, cada uno haga su parte y cada uno juegue con las mismas reglas.  Con esa intención, con ese impulso, todos los inmigrantes en un país de inmigrantes y, en este caso específico los Latinos, podrán hacer honor a lo suyo, a su cultura y talentos y a sus cosas queridas - la trompeta y las maracas, los tacos y el sancocho, el español con RRs o sin RRs, la salsa, el mariachi o la cumbia, las polleras coloridas y las camisas floridas, las fiestas bulliciosas y la solidaridad de familia.  Todos los colores de la Latinoamérica querida, trabajadora, ruidosa y festiva instalados en una visión que los lleve hacia adelante y hacia arriba, les de la oportunidad y les permita brillar con luz propia./ Sylvia Davila Morales. 


During the recent Democratic Convention many good phrases were heard in the speeches, but there were two that sum up what it's at stake for Latinos in the coming presidential election: "The dream is not just American but Universal", and "It is not just about talent but about opportunity". In fact, the American dream is a life dream of any person in this world: to go forward and upwards, from poverty to abundance, from unemployment to mastery, from ignorance to knowledge, from difficulties to success, from unhappiness to happiness. The difference to accomplish that dream in a foreign land lies on the opportunities that land gives. America shows many cases of successful Latinos in various disciplines. Like Mexican José Hernández a NASA official, Cuban singer and composer Gloria Estefan set among the best one hundred, or Colombian Rodolfo Llinas head of the Neuroscience department in New York University. Just three examples of Latinos who reached high positions, certainly, thanks to their talents but also because they found in their way a chance to grow. It is also true that the country shows many Latinos who move in the circle of "primary services" and go about holding tight the dream in their pockets. For them, as it happened to the others, the possibility to take the dream out of the pocket lies on the way they are acknowledge by the land that host them. Are they contained in the vision with all the opportunities it implies? Or are they just allowed to live there offering good services. Those are two opposite visions. In this election, also, two different visions are there for all to see. To find the differences all there is to do is to spot the intention behind every decision, measure or politic that has impacted, impacts or will impact the essences of live - the dream in the pocket - of every latino in America. Health, does it include them or exclude them? Education, is it fairly accessible? Work, are there chances to grow? At hits point of my blog it will surprise no one to hear me say that the answer to all those questions in this moment of American history is Barack Obama. I have said it before:

And I believe it is so because his is a vision that balances, than encompasses that shares. Health plans that covers all, fair tax distribution, affordable education fees, the defense of the Latin children born in America, a vision that opens the door to those that take their first steps. As Obama has said it so many times, a vision where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules. With that intention behind, with that impulse, all immigrants in a nation made of immigrants, would be able to honor their own culture and talents and their dear things - the trumpet and the maracas, tacos and sancocho, Spanish with or without RRs, salsa, marichi and cumbia, colored skirts and flowered shirts, noisy parties and family solidarity. All shapes of beloved Latin American, hard worker, colorful and joyful set in a place that push them forward and upwards and that gives them the opportunity to shine on their own right./Sylvia Davila Morales


Cada presidente norteamericano ha tenido una relación distinta con los Latinos americanos y con la América Latina. Lo que no habíamos visto nunca antes es un presidente de los Estados Unidos hablando español! Buen augurio para los Latinos:

Photo: Google Images
Video: Youtube 


Each American President had a different relationship with the Latin community in their country and with Latin America. What we had never seen before is a President of the United States speaking Spanish! Good omen for Latins.

05 noviembre 2012


Historically we, women, have let a man share our life, but only when we are certain that we have chosen the right one.  The same principle applies to the place we live in. Women choose, and tomorrow women have the chance to exercise something than comes natural: choose the right one. 

Obama's record: 
Historicamente, nosotras las mujeres hemos permitido que un hombre "gobierne" nuestra vida pero sólo cuando estamos seguras de que hemos escogido al hombre correcto. El mismo principio se aplica al lugar en donde vivimos. Las mujeres escogemos, y mañana las mujeres tienen la opción de ejercer algo que nos resulta natural: escoger al que es. 

Los Hechos Cumplidos de Obama:

04 noviembre 2012


So, the American Presidential campaign is running its last days. Near the closure I found an old piece of information that gave way to this thought:

If Barack Obama were from Kenya or from Indonesia as Donald Trump says, and yet he managed to become the 44th President of the United States of America, then we would be, indeed, the most incredible man on earth and should - certainly - be re-elected.


La campaña presidencial de los Estados Unidos está a punto de terminar. Ruedan los dados. Por eso pensé que no escribiría más sobre ella. Pero, entonces, navegando la red me encontré con una información vieja y pensé que bien podía terminar el "cubrimiento" de Pipolmagazine con esto:

Si Barack Obama viniera de Kenya o de Indonesia como dice Donald Trump, y aun así consiguió convertirse en el Presidente número 44 de los Estados Unidos de América, entonces sería, de hecho, el hombre más increíble del planeta y debería - sin lugar a dudas- ser re-elegido.

VER todo el cubrimiento de las elecciones norteamericanas de Pipolmagazine está ahora también en una página "US 2012 Campaign" en la columna de la derecha de este Blog. / Sylvia Davila Morales M (c) 


The only window in my studio faces the backyards of two old houses which gardens were joined to host a kindergarten playground. Two, three, four years old boys and girls show up every day. Watching them play - apart from lighting up my day- a simple and well-known truth surfaces in a visual image: children follow. Some can hardly walk and their attention wanders with every small thing - a bird, a leave falling from a tree, a sound - but soon they retake attention, look around to find a lead, and run to follow. That's children way. They follow the older person or the authority in the group. Even so more happens with their parents. By following their steps, children gently walk into the life their parents choose for them. But, as it happens, parent’s choices today will truly impact their children's lives only in the future.

When today's children reach adulthood, they will encounter a world of hard statistics: need of water, energy sources, food, shelter, and they will be accompanied by a huge population built mostly of old people and children. Today's children of the world will have in the future a hard task to bear. That is why parent's choices today will deeply impact their lives ahead. To be up to their future challenge, today's children need a world that is fair with them today.

As it is now, parents have basically two views to choose: on one hand a wild jungle where privilege is set as an aim, where success is placed upon competition on uneven grounds, where every one takes what he or she can, and where some have a strong jaws to rip the stake while the rest is left to un uncertain fate building mobs of "indignats". Or, in the other hand, a picture where children, all children, have a shot in life, education, information, knowledge, skills that regardless of their chosen path will make them able to handle situations. A picture where health exists not just for some but for all, because it is fair with them and because those that become sick will be a burden for the healthy. A world that searches today for new sources of energy that they will desperately need in the future. A place where their neighbors will help them, work with them, join them, be together, instead of discriminate them, fight against them or hate them. A world that is able to see today their future needs. Children do not have political affiliations - they are just following - and they have clear and present needs. The children of this World need their parents and grand parents now!

When a mother, a father, a grandmother or grandfather set their eyes on their beloved boys and girls, they have the power to see beyond, to look into their future. When that future comes - their parents and grand parents already gone - those boys and girls transformed into men and women handling this complex, difficult and beautiful world, will recall with gladness that their elders loved them enough to make the right choice on time. The choice is now. The United States, a leading country, is making that choice now, an historic choice. 


Yes, it is true, I am not American, or at least not North American. I am a proud South American. But I am going to vote in the American presidential elections here in this my Blog  for various reasons:

1. I believe that though it has been divided, America is still one single piece of land in the western hemisphere and what happens to one should matter to all others.

2. I am certain that what happens in the leading country will impact the rest of the Americas and the world at large.

3. I believe that America has now a true leader. Not just because of his black and white uprasing and his trajectory, but also because of his words and deeds during these four years, it is possible to say that the world is witnessing an alternative use of power. An option where differences in a nation of immigrants like his, are not obstacles but opportunities to join virtues and abilities, given the fact that everyone plays by the same rules. Only a liberal, free spirit can offer freedom and justice.

4. I vote, also, because I have always thought that a good way to participate is using our voice and, in this case, the voice becomes a vote. The individual effort that gets not done is lost for all.

5. And, yes, also they both have a lovely smile.

So there goes my vote. And it is always better early than late.



Si, es verdad, no soy Americana. O, por lo menos, no norteamericana. Soy Suramericana a mucho honor. Pero voy a votar en este mi Blog en las elecciones de los Estados Unidos por varias razones:

1. Creo que aunque la han dividido, America sigue siendo un sólo y único terrero en el hemisferio occidental y lo que ocurre a uno debe importarnos a todos.

2. Estoy segura de que lo que ocurra en la país líder impactará al resto de América y del mundo.

3. Creo que América tiene en este momento un verdadero líder. Tanto por su procedencia blanca y negra y su trayectoria, como por sus palabras y acciones durante estos cuatro años, el mundo está siendo testigo de una alternativa para el uso del poder. Una opción en la que las diferencias en un país de inmigrantes como el suyo, no son obtáculo sino oportunidades para sumar virtudes y capacidades sobre la base de que todos jueguen con las mismas reglas. Sólo un espíritu libre y justo puede ofrecer libertad y justicia.

4. Voto también porque siempre he creído que una buena forma de participar es usando la voz y, en este caso, la voz de cada uno es un voto. El esfuerzo individual que no se hace se pierde para todos.

5. Y sí, también, ambos tienen una hermosa sonrisa.

Va mi voto y siempre es mejor temprano que tarde.



A Democrat President and a Republican Governor facing Sandy-tragedy. That is what it means, I suppose, united states.

Sylvia Davila M

Photo: New York Times


This letter published in the american Democrat web page can be applied to them and also to all generations that have - in fact in the past - changed history. 

We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can withstand the power of millions of voices calling for change. We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics who will only grow louder and more dissonant in the weeks to come. We’ve been asked to pause for a reality check. We’ve been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope. But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope. For when we have faced down impossible odds; when we’ve been told that we’re not ready, or that we shouldn’t try, or that we can’t, generations of Americans have responded with a simple creed that sums up the sprit of a people. Yes, we can.” /By Lauren on January 23, 2012

Esta carta publicada en la pagina de la campaña Demócrata norteamericana es aplicable a ellos y también a todas las generaciones de este mundo que han - de hecho y en el pasado - cambiado la historia.

Sabemos que la batalla será larga, pero siempre recuerda que pese a los obstáculos del camino, nada supera el poder de millones de voces pidiendo un cambio. Un coro de cínicos asegura que no se puede, coro que aumenta sus notas disonantes con los días. Piden realismo. Advierten que se ofrecen falsas esperanzas. Pero en la siempre cambiante historia de América nunca la esperanza ha sido falsa. Porque cuando ha sido necesario enfrentar obstáculos imposibles; cuando aseguran que aun no es el momento; que no vale la pena intentarlo, o que no se puede, todas las generaciones han respondido con un credo simple que resume el espíritu de un pueblo: Si, podemos.” /By Lauren on January 23, 2012

07 noviembre 2012


Last night the Americans chose to keep a leader on the lead. 

Photo: Newyork Times

So, I share again the card Pipolmagazine sent at the dawn of 2012. Its words sound as well for the years to come.

2012 New Year's Card

                                                                                                                                                                Photo Sylvia Davila M
Two thousand and twelve years
join a millennium with a golden number.
Time bending doors reveal a path
that leads not to an end… but to a beginning.

Peace at heart and mind to hands
is the clear call of this year’s dawn
for it has been from the first bang
change the star of every Renaissance.

Pipol Magazine
Sylvia Davila Morales M
January 2012



Barack H. Obama

 Blest with Victory and Peace

January, 2013/ 

Second Term


In every democratic nation, the Congress is the ultimate democratic space. Peoples from all regions, from all conditions or economic capacities are represented in it by a man or a woman they chose to do so there. And there, decisions are being made, decisions that decide the way every person will live and thrive. Being so, it would be self-protection for everyone to be always updated on and ask about the decisions his or her representative is making. After all, for them, the congressmen and women, it is a vote  on an issue in any given session of any given day. But for the people, each decision his or her representative makes defines how they and their children are going to get along in life. Congress as a whole is a big entity that can't get accountable easily, but peoples must not forget that it is conformed by individuals that can.


The American government is asking people in the social networks what two thousand dollars mean to them should they not be raised in taxes. As it happens, everything in life comes by bits until in a long run it becomes a whole. With two thousand I would buy a couple of books, hate but take a mammography, arrange my mother's favorite cake to be delivered to her home weekly, take daily yoga lessons, buy my children something they need and do not expect like a telescope..., have a family and friends gathering in my home, play the music loud and sing also loud, perhaps get myself a nice dress and test it in the mirror, find a cat and name it Pericles, get a couple of classic films for my collection and watch them all special features included, make that trip I have always wanted to do and stay longer than planned, and share some of it with someone who truly needs it, among other things. At the end of that spending, I would look at my bank account balance with gladness. After all, those 2.000 gave me -in bits - learning, health, entertainment, fun, love and happiness. Sounds like a good deal. /Sylvia Davila MM


This is how Democrat President Obama explains what would happen if congressional Republicans do not do what every nation, community and person does, pay bills on time:

"If congressional Republicans refuse to pay America’s bills on time, Social Security checks and veterans’ benefits will be delayed. We might not be able to pay our troops, or honor our contracts with small business owners. Food inspectors, air traffic controllers, specialists who track down loose nuclear material wouldn’t get their paychecks. Investors around the world will ask if the United States of America is, in fact, a safe bet. Markets could go haywire. Interest rates would spike for anybody who borrows money -- every homeowner with a mortgage, every student with a college loan, every small business owner who wants to grow and hire. It would be a self-inflicted wound on the economy. It would slow down our growth, might tip us into recession, and ironically, would probably increase our deficit. 
So to even entertain the idea of this happening -- of the United States of America not paying its bills -- is irresponsible. It’s absurd. As the Speaker said two years ago, it would be -- and I'm quoting Speaker Boehner now -- “a financial disaster, not only for us, but for the worldwide economy.”
It is amazing, surprising, even surreal, to watch this worldwide exhibition of part of republican politicians giving their back to their own people... and to the world at large. It is even more amazing their showing everyone that bills could, actually, pass unpaid... If they can, can the rest of us do it too?


By: Sylvia Davila M/Bogota

The massacre of children in Newtown, US, is so hurtful that every heart in the world felt the burn. Five years old children found death with three impacts of rifle bullets in their bodies, bullets that are twice the size of their fingers. Many people in America and in the world have raised their voice. The statistics on that issue are impacting and surprising. Impacting because fifty percent of the massacres occurred in the world in the last fifty years happened in America. Around 300 millions of the inhabitants of a country that have not an indoors war have a fire gun. The surprising fact is that the whole scenario of guns possession there, holds from two lines of their Constitution, Second Amendment- which says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Two lines that were written in 1791.

It is surprising because laws have always meant to serve peoples. Those that relate to what is essencial to human life - right to live, to work, to express, to worship, to education, etc - have been kept in time by every liberal community in the world and in history. The roots of freedom. But those that relate to human social organization and ways of life have develop according to the evolution of times. Plagues in Europe in the past obliged a set of laws that ceased from existence once the disease was controlled. Many laws written against piracy at sea no longer exist since the motive for their existence disappear. Racial laws in many countries became history when the rights of all peoples were seen under a different light. As societies become more complex and bigger, necessarily, the laws that rule them turn with their growing. 

At the time of their Independence the inhabitants of North America were fewer, spread all around, dealing with a huge wild land. They had just fought the indians, the British, the French and one another. The union was just forming under the leadership of brilliant minds that managed to put together the variety of fifty different regions in one single vision. However, the organizational structures that would build a nation were just taking their first steps. At that time, agression from all fronts were still possible. The need for self-defense was deeply felt. But since then, not just some other amendments to the Constitution have taken place, but two hundred and eleven years have passed. It is, certainly, a different nation that it was in 1791. Even fears have changed. 

The Americans built a democratic nation with three power in charge, they developed technologies that lead the world, they have sophisticated armed forces, and a quite unique police sense of solidarity, they even have special organized forces to protect animals. Their laws serve them to keep building community. So, the rights of peoples are maintained in time when human essence is concerned, and change in time as social organization develops. "Militias" where needed back in time and faded as organized, unified defense forces developed.  Keeping every citizen armed is no longer needed and, on the contrary, it implies the concept of "justice by own hand" which contradicts the very essence of a civilization, and that in the hands of confused minds playing the pathetic role of their film and television heroes, produce the astonishing stats, the avoidable hurt. Those new lives blew up in Newtown and so many other places did not even have the time to see a bullet they did not understand and that was not needed. Peoples right for those children was life, fourteen amendment.

Once it is clear that the Second Amendment in the American Constitution is today an unnecessary "history pearl", what remains is the use of it by some Americans to put guns in the hands of other Americans who kill some other Americans. A very strange and bloody vicious circle. Piers Morgan's CNN program is conducting these days a debate on gun possession which, in fact, is interesting to every country in the world with a similar problem. Also, president Obama, while announcing the study of measures to deal with an intricate difficult situation and to prevent future tragedies gave this data:  "Since Friday morning, a police officer was gunned down in Memphis, leaving four children without their mother.  Two officers were killed outside a grocery store in Topeka.  A woman was shot and killed inside a Las Vegas casino.  Three people were shot inside an Alabama hospital.  A four-year-old was caught in a drive-by in Missouri, and taken off life support just yesterday. Each one of these Americans was a victim of the everyday gun violence that takes the lives of more than 10,000 Americans every year -- violence that we cannot accept as routine."

Watching the debate and reading the data, the whole issue in America reduces to a quite unbelievable closed circle reasoning: giving the fact that they are not at war, and that they do not have aggressive neighbors, people claim their right to bear weapons in order to defend themselves from people who bear weapons. In other words, they claim the right to defend themselves from the very same right. / Sylvia Davila Morales M (c)


In 1773, the American population raised against British taxes. The event known as the Boston Tea Party where all taxed tea was thrown into the sea, launched their Independence path. In 2012 the American population is again trying to stop taxes from raising but this time at the other side are not the British but a part of the American Congress. That is ironic, very ironic. / SDMM


Listening to the arguments and suggestions from different points of views that CNN has brought to the gun ownership debate in America I just wonder:

Which of these bullets kills more.... or less?

       Pistol bullet                                                       Rifle bullet



Watching an audience of Israeli youth bursting into applauses and standing ovation when Barack Obama stated the need to recognize a land of their own to the Palestinians, besides from giving an uplifting view of hope to the world, it shows a crashing but simple truth: peoples love peace.
Regardless of their geographical position, the name of the country, their believes, or even the causes of  confrontations,  peace is cherished and wanted by all peoples. Leaders are there to remind them the fact.

That is so, not so much to avoid the violence, the death, blood spelled, love ones hurt, properties destroyed, the fear, the uncertainty, the waste, but because peace in its entire meaning means nothing but gain: time gained to build, resources gained to produce, visions gained to plan forwards, efforts gained to grow people, lives gained to life... In today’s world, peace is no longer a concession men make to life, it is life. For youths of the world it is dawn./ March 31/2013- SDMM


Mirando hoy una audiencia de jóvenes Israelitas romper en aplausos y ovación de pie cuando Barack Obama propuso la necesidad de reconocer a los Palestinos una tierra propia, además de ofrecer una imagen esperanzadora para el mundo, arroja una verdad muy simple: los pueblos aman la paz. Independientemente de su situación geográfica, del nombre del país, de sus creencias e, inclusive, de los motivos de sus confrontaciones, la paz es deseada por todos. Los líderes existen para recordarlo.

Y es así, no tanto para evitar la violencia, las muertes, la sangre derramada, las propiedades destruidas, el miedo, la incertidumbre y el desperdicio, sino porque la paz en todo su significado no significa más que ganancia: tiempo ganado para construir, recursos ganados para producir, visiones ganadas para planear al futuro, esfuerzos ganados para crecer las gentes, vidas ganadas a la vida.. En el mundo de hoy, la Paz ya no es una concesión que los hombres le hacen a la vida, es la vida. Para la juventud de todo el mundo es el amanecer/ March 31/2013- SDMM. 

By: Sylvia Davila MM
Ilustration: Google Images
April 10/2013
It is common in people to believe that tragedies only happen "to others". From the simplest accident to huge disasters, every person tends to think that "it will not happen to me". However,  the very essence of accidents and tragedies is its unexpectedness. The parents and grandparents of all those children killed in massive slaughter events in America did not ever think something of the kind could happen to them. But it did. Who are the next children, parents, and gran-parents waiting in line to face another man armed with any kind of massive lethal weapon? Impossible to know. Therefore, the only logic way to prevent such situation is keeping  weapons out of reach of any person that should not and needs not have a gun in his or her hands./ April 10/2013- SDMM


Es muy común que cada persona piense que las tragedias les sucederán solo "a otros". Desde el accidente más pequeño hasta las más grandes tragedias, la gente tiende a pensar que "eso no me va a suceder a mi". Sin embargo, la esencia de los accidentes y las tragedias es lo inesperado. Los padres y abuelos de todos esos niños asesinados en las masacres masivas en América jamas imaginaron que algo así podía sucederles a ellos. Pero sucedió. Quienes serán los próximos niños, padres o abuelos en fila, a la espera de encontrarse cara a cara con otro hombre armado con cualquier clase de arma letal y masiva? Imposible de saber. Por lo tanto, la única manera lógica de evitar la tragedia es manteniendo las armas fuera del alcance de las manos de personas que no deberían y no necesitan tener un arma. /April 10/2013 -SDMM

BY: Sylvia Davila MM
Illustration: Google Images
April 12/2013


The gun ownership debate in America reduces to a quite unbelievable closed circle reasoning:
Giving the fact that they are not at war and do not have agressive neighbors, their people claim their right to bear weapons in order to defend themselves from people who bear weapons... In other words, they claim the right to defend themselves from the very same right. 

I wonder what life would they have if weapons were in the hands of trained armed forces only. Perhaps peoples would just hold hands.


El debate sobre la posesión de armas en Norteamérica se reduce a un increíble y cerrado razonamiento: Dado que no están en guerra y que no tienen terrorismo interno o vecinos agresivos, sus gentes claman por el derecho de portar armas para defenderse de personas que portan armas... en otras palabras, piden el derecho de defenderse del mismo derecho.

Me pregunto qué vida tendrían si las armas estuvieran en manos solamente de  fuerzas armadas entrenadas. Quizás sus gentes solo se tomarían de la mano.

By: Sylvia Davila MM
Bogotá/ Copyright
Illustration: Google Images
April 13/2013


It is clear that most of American people support, and have reasons to do it, the Second Amendment of their Constitution which grants them the right to bear guns. However, since 1968, 1.3 millions Americans have been killed by gun violence - more than those fallen in all wars in American history...  

Being so, I guess Americans would be wise to ponder what serves them best, the Second Amendment, or the Fourteenth: the right to Life.April 13/2013- SDMM


Es claro que la mayoría de los norteamericanos apoyan, y tienen razones para hacerlo, la Segunda Reforma de su Constitución que les asegura el derecho a portar armas. Sin embargo, desde 1968, 1.3 millones de norteamericanos han muerto asesinados por la violencia callejera, más que todos los caídos en todas las guerras de su historia...

Siendo así, supongo que la población de los Estados Unidos va a tener que ponderar qué les sirve más, la Segunda Reforma a la Constitución, o la número 14: El derecho a la Vida.

By: Silvia Davila MM
Bogota/ Copyright
Illustration: Google Images
April 15- 2013


After killing children, the utmost expression of a twisted mind is killing young people sporting. Indolence in those minds is always heartbreaking and difficult to believe. Boston, my thoughts are with you tonight.

I believe, it is precisely in those moments when violence shows its worst face that we, all peoples of the World, must be together and stand for a dreamed World where the soft product of the mind will prevail over brute force. My condolences to the Americans.

By: Sylvia Davila Morales

Photo: Google Images
April 18/2013


The negative vote of the American Senate on the measures proposed by the Administration regarding gun control and people´s safety, ironically, became a sad historic day: it is one of the biggest blow Democracy has received not just in recent times but in history, because it was given by some Republican senators of the most powerful country of the world which highest banner has always been precisely Democracy. An auto-goal. 

As if their position in the World were meaningless, and as if because of it they were not being watched and followed by million of millions, those senators put America on stage on a shameful play. Apart from being unfair with those that were already hurt by guns, the fact that the Senate ignored 92% of people´s will places a huge question mark on Democracy itself! The representative system so many free people of the world use and want was put in jeopardy and arguments are given to its contradictors and enemies. In the midst of a gloomy situation for Democracies world-wide, the day is saved by Democrat American President, Barack Obama, and his Vice-President, Joe Biden, who have been restlessly doing what is the heart of Democracy, and what any Senate should do by the book: represent and protect The People. See for yourselves: 

April 18/2013- SDMM

El voto negativo del Senado americano sobre las medidas propuestas por la Administración relativas al control de armas y la seguridad de sus ciudadanos, irónicamente, se convirtió en un triste día histórico: es uno de los mayores golpes que haya recibido la Democracia no solo recientemente sino en la historia, porque fue dado por un grupo de senadores Republicanos del país más poderoso del mundo que ha tenido siempre como principal bandera, precisamente, la Democracia.

Como si su posición en el mundo careciera de sentido y como si, por lo mismo, no estuvieran siendo observados y seguidos por millones de millones, esos senadores pusieron a Norteamérica en el estrado en un vergonzoso juego. Dejando de lado el hecho de que la decisión es injusta con quienes han sido golpeados por la violencia, el hecho de que el Senado ignorara el deseo del 92% de sus ciudadanos pone un signo de interrogación en la Democracia misma! El sistema representativo que muchos pueblos libres del mundo usan y quieren quedó bajo cuestionamiento y se les dio argumentos a sus detractores y enemigos. En medio de una situación adversa para las Democracias de todo el mundo, el día lo salvan el Presidente Americano Demócrata, Barack Obama y su vice-Presidente, Joe Biden, quienes han estado haciendo lo que constituye el corazón de la Democracia y que todo Senado debería hacer al pie de la letra: representar y proteger a La Gente.


By: Silvia Davila MM
Bogotá/ Copyright
Illustration: Google Images
June 9/2013


North America is a nation of immigrants, that´s a fact. Through all their history peoples from all around the world established their home there and built the powerful country they are today. These days, North America has also eleven millions illegal immigrants, a domestic issue the present administration is trying to fix. About that, there are a couple of facts that catch the attention of any observer in the world watching from afar:

1. Eleven million illegal immigrants did not happen yesterday, or two, five or even ten years ago. What ever happened with the system which allowed that situation to become what it is today, took several decades. In the last five decades, since 1969, America has had 28 years of Republican rule, and 16 years of Democrats lead. Now that the immigrants situation has a true possibility of finding solutions - though it may not yet achieve all that all parties desire - it would not make sense that those who watched the situation grow under their feet did not apply themselves and came together to make it happen.

2. Some days ago, 224 House representatives voted for the deportation of children brought to America illegally. Children... who had no other choice than follow their parents, unable to decide or even understand the situation. Boys and girls living their lives in the home their parents gave them as any other child in the world. Children who are now youth or adults studying or working in the only home they have ever known. Difficult to believe. What is also clear is that it would not make sense for those 224 House representatives to be regarded by their voters and by the whole world as either heartless or childless, maybe both, but that is precisely what it seems. After all, what everyone expects from rulers is  that they care for people, especially for children./June 9/2013 -SDMM

By: Silvia Davila MM
Bogotá / Copyright
Illustration: Google Images
July 31/2013

Among other reasons, following events in America turns up to be interesting for two basic reasons: first, their position in the concert on nations give World resonance to their doings, and second, what they have been doing touches the basics of any nation´s well being. Democrats and Republicans are a domestic view for Americans. For people watching from afar it is just America one of the many nations of the World and the issues they are dealing with belong to Humanity. 

Health, for instance. The equation is simple: the healthiest the nation´s population the bigger its probabilities of success in any field. Education, the corner stone that defines people´s capacity to handle both prospects and challenges, is also a simple equation: the ablest the people the wider their creativity to handle situations. In America, specifically, money talks have always been on the table, business men. When for what ever reason the heavy part of it, deficit, becomes a burden that slows the advance of the issues that matter the most, reducing it serves all. The equation here is: the lighter the weight the swifter the pace. The environment issue happens to have the simplest equation of all: if Humanity breaks the planet´s natural balance that keeps them alive, the planet will kill them all. Finally,  in a World where violence has taken hold of people´s minds, their information, entertainment and behavior, weapons become a boomerang that puts in jeopardy their own existence since the mind input from childhood is violent at the same time that guns are put within their reach.  All those issues interest all nations, and the way they are handled will define, certainly, the American nation and its impact in the world.

As it happens, American rulers and administrators have been pushing forward a Healthcare plan that widens the coverage to the population; a cost reduction in Education to keep youth in the classrooms; a plan to take in immigrants that would reduce the deficit in thousand of millions in a decade; a pollution control plan that will lessen the dangers to the planet; and a gun control  policy appealing to anyone´s common sense. 

All these issues, regarded as a whole, show American rulers putting together a comprehensive plan to strengthen the variables that will make them stand strong in a World in need of leadership. Some American Senator recently said "its time for us in Washington all to remember that this town should work for the people and not the other way round". It seems crystal clear how all those measures pushed by the present Administration, issues that touch the basic well being of any nation, will work in the benefit of all people, the nation as a whole, and the rest of the World. Those who oppose them have a choice: to become the men and women who impede their nation´s advancement in an historic moment of time, or the heroes who helped it happen. /July 31/2013- SDMM

Entre otras razones, seguir los acontecimientos en los Estados Unidos resulta interesante por dos razones básicas: primera, su posición en el concierto de naciones da resonancia a lo que hacen y, segunda, lo que han estado haciendo toca los fundamentos básicos del bienestar de cualquier nación. Demócratas y Republicanos es un paisaje domestico para los americanos. Para quienes observan a distancia se trata de los Estados Unidos uno de los muchos países del mundo, y los temas que están tratando pertenecen a toda la Humanidad.

La Salud, por ejemplo. La ecuación es simple: cuanto más saludable la población más grandes las posibilidades de éxito en todos los campos. Educación, la piedra angular que define la capacidad de los pueblos para manejar ambos perspectivas y retos, también tiene una ecuación simple: cuanto más capaz la gente más amplia su creatividad para enfrentar situaciones. En los Estados Unidos, especialmente, el tema dinero está siempre sobre la mesa, hombres de negocios. Cuando por las razones que fueran la parte dura, el deficit, se convierte en un obstáculo para avanzar las materias que importan, reducirlo sirve a todos. Aquí la ecuación es: cuanto más liviana la carga más ligero el paso. La ecuación del Medio Ambiente resulta ser la más simple de todas: si la Humanidad rompe el equilibrio natural del planeta que los mantiene vivos, el planeta los mata a todos. Finalmente, en un mundo en el que la violencia se apoderó de la mente de todos, su información, entretención y comportamiento, las armas se vuelven un bumerang que amenaza su propia existencia, en la medida en que forjan mentes violentas desde la infancia a la vez que ponen a su alcance armas. Todos estos temas interesan a todas las naciones y la forma en que se traten decidirá, sin duda, a los Estados Unidos y por extensión su impacto en el resto del mundo.

Todos estos temas vistos en conjunto, muestran a los gobernantes y administradores de los Estados Unidos reuniendo un plan integral que fortalecerá las variables básicas que, a su vez, les permitirán sostenerse firmes en un mundo que necesita liderazgo. Hace poco un senador norteamericano dijo: "Es tiempo de que nosotros aquí en Washington recordemos que esta ciudad debe trabajar para la gente y no al contrario". Es claro que todas estas medidas que la Administración actual ha adelantado sobre los temas básicos que definen el bienestar de toda nación, están y trabajarán en beneficio de todo el pueblo, la nación en su conjunto, y el resto del Mundo. Aquellos que se oponen tienen una elección: ser los hombres y mujeres que impidieron el avance de su nación en un momento histórico en el tiempo, o los héroes que ayudaron a hacerlo realidad./ 
July 31/2013-SDMM

By: Silvia Davila MM
Bogota/ Copyright
Illustration: Google Images
Sept 20, 2013


What is happening in the nation that claims World leadership is that some extremist Republican legislators are ruling against the people: against health, education, jobs, social support, common sense, and the economy of their own nation as a whole. Politicians who choose to please themselves against their own people and the mandate they have from them. Men and women giving the shameless world-wide show of blackmailing their own people on the well being of their nation. Watched by the entire planet, those legislators become a lousy example, make their system of government look like a joke, and represent a contradiction on leadership as a concept. America has now a visionary President who is lifting his nation to new domestic and international heights. Should American peoples, three hundred millions - see it clearly, they would stand by him and help to dissuade a hundred self-centered "legislators" who rule against reason and show disdain towards their fellow country men and women. Should that trend continue, leadership will shift. The clear and present needs of this second millennium and its peoples are to be recognized, understood and addressed with responsibility by all. Leadership is to be a true light house on Earth. The time for a World Leadership to rise is set./ SDMM Sept 20, 2013


Lo que está sucediendo hoy en el país que reclama liderazgo mundial es que Republicanos extremistas están dictando sentencia en contra de la gente: contra la salud, la educación, el trabajo, el apoyo social, el sentido común, y la economía de su nación en su conjunto. Políticos que eligen complacerse a ellos mismos en contra de la gente y del mandato que han recibido de ella. Observados por todo el planeta, esos ¨legisladores¨ representan un flaco ejemplo, hacen de su sistema de gobierno un chiste, y representan una contradicción para el liderazgo como concepto. America tiene hoy un Presidente visionario que está llevando a su nación a nuevas alturas nacionales e internacionales. De verlo claramente, los americanos - trescientos millones - pueden demostrarle su apoyo para disuadir a cien legisladores que legislan ignorando la razón, y que muestran desdén hacia sus propios compatriotas.  Las necesidades claras y presentes de este nuevo milenio y de sus gentes deben ser reconocidas, entendidas y atendidas con responsabilidad por todos. El liderazgo debe ser un faro en la Tierra. El momento para un Liderazgo Mundial está en el orden del día./SDMM Sept 20,2013

By: Silvia Davila MM
Illustration: Google Images
Oct 1, 2013


If there is something good about the American shutdown of the Government caused by the House of Representatives is that there is a lesson, not just for the Americans, but also for all peoples in the World. Polls say today that near 70% of the Americans do not agree with the decision of the Republicans in the House, but then, those men and women who made that decision were elected by people. Which means that the prevention of such a hurt to happen again lies in the hands of People. Every time that electoral time comes, people get a daily bathe of fabricated adds, beautiful adds. Events like the shutdown in America happening today, face those electoral adds with reality. Therefore, if people want to be truly represented in their institutions of government all they have to do is to hold tight to these very old wise good words: By their deeds you will know them. It works for the Americans and for all peoples in the World./ SDMM, Oct 1, 2013


Si hay algo bueno en el cierre del Gobierno en los Estados Unidos causado por la Cámara de Representantes es que hay allí una lección, no sólo para los Americanos sino para todos los pueblos del mundo. Las encuestas dicen hoy que el 70% de los norteamericanos no están de acuerdo con la decisión de la Cámara pero, los hombres y mujeres que tomaron esa decisión fueron elegidos por la gente. De donde se concluye que la prevención de ese daño, para que no vuelva a suceder en el futuro, está en manos de la Gente. Siempre que llega el período electoral el público recibe un baño diario de publicidad prefabricada, linda publicidad. Eventos como el cierre del gobierno en los Estados Unidos que tiene lugar hoy, enfrenta esa publicidad con la realidad. Por lo tanto, si la Gente quiere estar verdaderamente representada en sus instituciones de gobierno, todo lo que tiene que hacer es tomarse en serio estas viejas, sabias y muy buenas palabras: Por sus actos los conoceréis. Funciona para los Americanos y para todos los países del Mundo./ SDMM, Oct 1, 2013


By: Silvia Davila MM
Bogota/ Copyright
Illustration: Google Images
Oct 7, 2013

Watching events in America and speeches from both sides, it seems difficult for an observer to understand what "differences to be solved"- says the speaker of the House- may exist now regarding a law that was already approved by the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court and the majority of People, and that is already enforced. Even if they exist, it is not clear, at all, what link those "differences" have with a nation´s budget or the bills every nation pays. It is very confusing. But what truly makes the whole issue a dark hole for all observers in the World is that its solution has been attached to the concept "negotiation" when what is on the table is a World economic crisis... Are they going to negotiate the world´s well being? All Congress representatives of the American people would be sensible reconsidering and giving a profound thought to what is happening. It is not only about the entire World stability, but also America would become a great harm for the planet which would not be fair with the American people. They have been already harmed. China, their economic competitor, has at present the greatest growth rate in the world. Because of the shutdown, America was left without his head in a key Meeting of the Pacific in Asia that is taking place these days. If the Chinese tsunami falls on them, hopefully those Republicans who created the situation will have a health insurance to take care of their heart attack. It would not be fair either with their own party. "Differences" seem not to be enough reason to make it the cause of a world crisis. On the contrary, if they sternly and courageously unmade this unfortunate knot, the whole world will be at ease. Borrowing some words recently heard at the UN General Assembly. "History will judge us for what we did for our peoples and will sternly hold us accountable for what we failed to do".  /SDMM, Oct 7, 2013

To be continued....

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