22 April 2013


By: Sylvia Davila MM
Bogotá/ Copyright
Illustration: Google Images
April 22/2013

Earth day seems to be there to remind us about Earth facts. Social networks, foundations, and organizations of all kind give facts today on Earth situation. Just a thought about it:

Whenever we really want to go somewhere, there they are the obvious questions: where?, when?, how?...  It seems that to get people to know, care and actually do something about Earth, those questions would have to be answered focusing on what actually functions rather than on what goes wrong. Stats are many, precise and scary but people tend not to listen to whatever frightens them. So I wonder what would happen if the "where" question in this kind of information was placed on where the problems begin and, therefore, the solution is. Earth care needs the entire population contribution but they need to know how to do it. Issues like water scarcity, worldwide pollution, diseases, wastes problems and deforestation stats, among others, would be less scary if people were given practical tools to correct the situation individually, where the problem begins and the solution lives, where it can be prevented. 

When? When people is paying attention. It is clear that both the Media and audiences react to harsh situation. Disasters of all kind produced by nature or by men, create at once the tight equation Media-worldwide audiences. An interesting moment to feed people world-wide with the information, stats, procedures, ways and ideas that would give every person in the planet hints on how to make an individual contribution. Done regularly and in time, the entire population would be standing in "where" the problem begins and the solution lives.

How? Not just the Media has the power to do that. There are many actors who can impact profoundly the general knowledge about what needs to be done. Public figures like Presidents, Prime Ministers, Religious authorities regularly and firmly do it. But then it is a fact that not everybody listen to them and, also regularly, they get overwhelmed by a whole brunch of other public figures that fill the Media attention. People who could put to a wide good use the impact they have in audiences. Modern intelligent royal couples, actors, singers, even millionaires, famous people who find difficult to take a step without the eye of the world on them. Should that step move forwards towards "where" problems begin the contribution would be huge. Attention can be redirected to shed light on Earth.

A new focus would necessarily direct the attention to a field that inexplicably lives aside public attention: those thousands and thousand of researches, scientists and professionals in all fields and all around the world who are actually finding innovative, creative, practical solutions, people who are providing ideas and answers that general people worldwide could buy for the sake of that "only thing we have in common": the Earth we are celebrating today. The one and only home./ April 22/2013- SDMM

17 April 2013


By: Sylvia Davila MM
Bogotá / Copyright
Illustration: Google Images
April 17/2013


Violence is not just about weapons and the destruction, deaths and hurt they cause. Violence is a way of thinking, weapons are the result. A mind set to believe that the only way to get its way is blocking by force others, ironically, what is actually doing is blocking its own possibilities to use and widen its own powers. Weapons users reduce their mind power to the finger that pulls the trigger. 

Applied that principle to a group, the whole environment becomes vicious because some are using just their finger and the rest get drowned in fear. Clear thinking is pushed to the background for all. Most amazing it is the fact that globally the percentage of people that would rather use their heads, intelligence and own resources than a gun is huge. People who love violence are proportionally few on Earth. From there, it is possible to conclude that should that majority stand for their right to deal with issues, face confrontations, move forward their ideas and live without a bullet pointed to their forehead, would certainly get their way. 

The choice peoples of the World have to make regarding violence implies a way of thinking, their right to think. /April 17/2013- SDMM


La violencia no es solamente armas y la destrucción, muertes y daño que causan. La violencia es una manera de pensar, las armas son su resultado. Una mente que cree que la única manera de alcanzar sus objetivos es bloqueando otras, irónicamente, lo que hace es bloquear sus propias posibilidades de usar y crecer su poder propio. Los que usan armas reducen el poder de su mente a un dedo que jala el gatillo.

Aplicado ese principio a un grupo, todo el entorno se vuelve vicioso porque algunos están usando solo un dedo y los demás quedan hundidos en el miedo. La claridad mental queda rezagada para todos. Lo que es más increíble es que, globalmente, el porcentaje de personas que prefieren usar la cabeza, su inteligencia y sus propios recursos antes que un arma es inmensa. Los amantes de la violencia, proporcionalmente, son pocos en la Tierra. De allí, es posible concluir que si la mayoría se plantara por su derecho a tratar temas, lidiar confrontaciones, sacar adelante sus ideas y vivir sin una bala apuntándoles a la cabeza, sin duda, conseguirían imponerse.

La elección de los pueblos de mundo en relación a la violencia implica una manera de pensar, su derecho a pensar. /April 17/2013- SDMM

01 April 2013


A Word on Earth News
Photo: Google Images


By: Sylvia Davila MM
April 1/2013

Wars in the history of Humanity have been motivated by a wide variety of reasons - lands, commercial routes, resources, defense from aggression, religious believes, egocentrical minds, etc. Whatever the reason, war has always, without fault, had the same result to everyone involved: destruction of what took years to build, huge losses of lives, broken and broke communities and, what is most meaningful for all peoples regardless of their position or motives in a war, is the waste of an entire young generation. It is the young who are sent to war, the healthiest, and the strongest.

Under war standards the biggest the army the proudest its chief, but what those who call for a war seem to be blind to, is the fact that the size of an army fallen in war is exactly and directly proportional to the hole they open in their own society. That young and strong generation sent to the front is precisely the people - the generation - that will have to take on all the affairs that make a nation move, and just in just a few years. As illogical as it has always been, in present times the waste of the young generation is suicidal for any and every nation. Again, stats say that by year 2050 the World will host a huge amount of old people and children and a small amount of economically active people, those that are today at their twenties, the young who are apt for war. Should that generation be wiped off by violent confrontations, the destruction made by war would have to be handled by old people and children. High Technology of today which makes the killing wider and quicker allows to think that a call to war in any part of the world in year 2013 is, undoubtley, a self destruction decision.

Besides, the clear and present change of the world´s climate system should be enough challenge to every nation that needs to accommodate their organizational ways as nature forces strengthens. Should war be added to that situation, besides to the destruction of infrastructure, communications, scarcity of resources for people in war, the imbalance of their economy, and the stagnation of their growth,. not to mention the profound and general human pain and desolation, there is one fact that war lovers would do well to consider: this time, there will be not enough young, healthy, strong people to rebuild. For the elders at the end of their lives, for the children that cannot understand or do, and for the young fallen in the fields it would, certainly be, the last war.

I have posted this piece EARTH CHILDREN:
 http://www.pipolmagazine.com/p/earth-children_27.html many times, but then, ´perhaps, many times is never enough. /April 1/2013- SDMM


Las guerras en la historia de la Humanidad han tenido una variedad de motivos - tierras, rutas comerciales, recursos, defensa de agresiones, creencias religiosas, mentes egocentricas, etc. Cualquiera sea la razón, las guerras, sin falta, han tenido todas el mismo resultado para todos los involucrados: destrucción de lo que tomó años en construir, una inmensa cantidad de vidas, comunidades rotas y en quiebra y, lo más impactante para todos los pueblos sin importar la posición o el motivo que los llevó a la guerra, es el desperdicio de toda una generación joven. Son los jóvenes quienes son enviados a la guerra, los más sanos, los más fuertes.

Bajo los estándares de la guerra cuanto más grande el ejército más orgullosos sus jefes, pero lo que quienes declaran guerras parecen no ver es que el tamaño del ejercito que cae en una guerra es exactamente y directamente proporcional con el hueco que le abren a su propia sociedad. Esa generación joven y fuerte que se envía a la guerra es precisamente la gente - la generación- que tendrá que asumir todos los asuntos que mueven a una nación y en muy poco tiempo. Tan ilógico como siempre ha sido, en estos tiempos de hoy perder la generación joven es un acto suicida para cualquiera y todas las naciones. De nuevo, las estadísticas dicen que para el año 2050 el mundo estará habitado por una inmensa cantidad de personas mayores y niños, y por una pequeña cantidad de gente económicamente activa, los mismos que hoy están en sus veintes que son los aptos para la guerra. Si esa generación se perdiera en confrontaciones violentas, serán los viejos y los niños quienes tengan que enfrentar la destrucción que ella deja. La tecnología moderna que consigue matar más en menos tiempo, permite pensar que un llamado de guerra en cualquier país del planeta hoy es una decisión auto-destructiva.

El ya claro cambio global del clima debería ser suficiente reto para las naciones que deben acomodar sus estructuras organizacionales a la nueva fuerzas de la naturaleza. Si a eso se le adiciona una guerra, además de la destrucción de la infraestructura, de las comunicaciones, a la falta de recursos para quienes están en guerra, el desequilibrio de su economía, la detención de su crecimiento, por no mencionar el dolor humano y la desolación, hay un hecho que los amantes de la guerra harían bien en considerar: esta vez no habrá suficientes brazos jóvenes, fuertes y sanos para la reconstrucción. Para los viejos al final de su vida, para los niños que no entienden ni pueden hacer nada, y para los jóvenes caídos en batalla esa sería, sin duda, la última guerra../ April 1/2013- SDMM

He publicado esta pieza Earth Children:  http://www.pipolmagazine.com/p/earth-children_27.html muchas veces, pero creo que quizás, muchas veces no es suficiente. SDMM