31 January 2012


By: Sylvia Davila MM
Illustration: Google Images
January 31/2012

Photo: Google Images

Blue light guides one and every way
a strong, straight line     made by its ray
behind its shine is always there
the Alpha call in various ways.
Green heals and soothes   it is its way
finds every corner     the waisted blends
its shade Turquoise brights up the way
a joyful tone   that wins the day.
Red fights to encounter passions and dreads                                              
Purple delays     makes wise the path
Yellow empowers        gives drive
tender Pink protects from afar.
Green, yellow, blue, purple and red
stand side by side     join     overlap
create majestic luminous White
that knows the secret of every heart.
All true light colors      by our eyes seen
on   above   beneath       through
extensive   vast  infinite        Black. (c)

January 31/2012 - SDMM

30 January 2012

Bullfighting for Rational Animals

By: Sylvia Davila MM
Illustration Google Images
January 30/2012

http://www.pipolmagazine.com/2012/01/corridad-de-toros-para-animales.htmlVERSION EN ESPANOL
Photo taken from FACEBOOK

The Mayor of Bogota city and the Governor of Antioquia in Colombia in South America have recently withdrawn financial support to bullfighting. Bullfighting followers - that scenario where a group of people watch torture for fun… - came up with arguments that leave astonished any modern rational animal. Lidia de Toros (bullfighting) which they define as preparation to death cannot be prohibited, they say, because it is a practice that dates from many centuries ago which would be also true for slavery, people being beheaded or bleedings to cure, common practices centuries ago. Impossible to eliminate torture tools, they argue, because bullfighting followers are fanatics and would never permit it. Also, they say, torturing and killing a living being gives great profit. It is difficult to believe that in this second millennium torture and death is defended in the name of money and fanaticism. Somebody even said once,  “Bullfighting prohibition takes us back to Inquisition". Some others consider it an Art.

Inquisition it is.  At the best of his strength, the bull is isolated in a dark room without food or water where he is stabbed in his back not too deep to kill him just enough to hurt him. Then he is thrown into a plaza full of people eager to witness torture. The moment he shows up he gets banderillas, knives on his back where he cannot reach them. He fights for his life and the Plaza replies Olé, Olé. When his executioner has fed a gloomy ego with soulless applauses, and an incomprehensible public has had enough of suffering, the magnificent and beautiful animal, alone, impotent, crashed and mocked, dies by a sword straight into his heart. The trophy, mutilation: his ears and tale. Inquisition is too modern a word for that.

The fact that 90% of Colombian population opposes this practice with animals gives hope to a country regularly visited by death and torture in people. The Mayor of Bogota and the Governor of Antioquia, regardless of their political views, in this issue stand up for life. Bullfighting is the best reminder of Inquisition or the Roman coliseum. And yes, it is also true that many of the inquisitors and Caesars thought that what they were doing was an art./January 30/2012 - SDMM

Corridas de Toros para Animales Racionales

By: Sylvia Davila MM
Bogotá- Copyright
Enero 30/2012

Foto tomada de FACEBOOK

El nuevo alcalde de Bogotá y el Gobernador de Antioquia en Colombia, Sur America retiraron hace poco el apoyo oficial de sus despachos a las corridas de Toros. Los seguidores de las corridas - ese escenario en el que un grupo de personas observa tortura por diversión… - saltaron con argumentos que dejan estupefacto a cualquier animal racional. La lidia de toros que definen como preparación para la muerte… dicen, no se puede prohibir porque su práctica se da desde hace varios siglos, argumento que podría aplicarse por igual a la esclavitud, el corte de cabezas o los sangrados para curar enfermos que también se practicaban hace varios siglos. Imposible reliminar los instrumentos de tortura – las banderillas, la pica y la espada - dicen, porque sus seguidores son fanáticos y nunca lo permitirían. Además, aseguran, torturar y matar a un ser vivo produce inmensos dividendos. Es difícil creer que en el siglo XXI a nombre del fanatismo y el dinero se defienda la tortura y la muerte. Alguien alguna vez aseguró que prohibir las corridas de toros es regresar a la Inquisición. Hay quienes lo consideran un Arte.

De hecho es Inquisición. En la plenitud de su fuerza, el toro es aislado en un lugar oscuro sin comida ni agua y apuñalado por la espalda apenas lo suficiente para no matarlo, solo herirlo. Acto seguido, lo lanzan a la plaza iluminada y llena de gente ansiosa por presenciar su tortura. Siguen banderillas en la espalda en donde no puede alcanzarlas. Lucha por su vida y la plaza le contesta Olé Olé. Cuando su verdugo ha alimentado un ego tétrico ante toldas inundadas de aplausos desalmados, y un público incomprensible se ha saciado del dolor y la sangre del magnífico y potente animal, éste sólo, impotente, adolorido y burlado muere por la espada directo al corazón. El trofeo, mutilación: las oreja y la cola. El término Inquisición es demasiado moderno para eso.

El hecho de que el noventa por ciento de los colombianos se opongan a esa práctica con animales da esperanzas a un país tan visitado por la muerte y la tortura de personas. El alcalde de Bogotá y el Gobernador de Antioquia, independientemente de sus políticas, en este asunto ponen la cara por la vida. Las corridas de toros son el escenario que más recuerda a la Inquisición o al coliseo Romano. Y sí, también es verdad que los inquisidores y los Césares pensaban que lo que hacían era un arte. /SDM

24 January 2012

Children-Builders / Niños Creadores

By: Sylvia Davila MM

Hope is creative...
La esperanza es creativa...

Foto tomada de Facebook. Autor: German Henao Jr.
Photo taken from Facebook. Author: German Henao Jr.

23 January 2012


By: Sylvia Davila MM
Illustration: Google Images
January 23/2012

This letter published in the american Democrat web page can be applied to them and also to all generations that have - in fact in the past - changed history. 

We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can withstand the power of millions of voices calling for change. We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics who will only grow louder and more dissonant in the weeks to come. We’ve been asked to pause for a reality check. We’ve been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope. But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope. For when we have faced down impossible odds; when we’ve been told that we’re not ready, or that we shouldn’t try, or that we can’t, generations of Americans have responded with a simple creed that sums up the sprit of a people. Yes, we can.” /By Lauren on January 23, 2012

Esta carta publicada en la pagina de la campaña Demócrata norteamericana es aplicable a ellos y también a todas las generaciones de este mundo que han - de hecho y en el pasado - cambiado la historia.

Sabemos que la batalla será larga, pero siempre recuerda que pese a los obstáculos del camino, nada supera el poder de millones de voces pidiendo un cambio. Un coro de cínicos asegura que no se puede, coro que aumenta sus notas disonantes con los días. Piden realismo. Advierten que se ofrecen falsas esperanzas. Pero en la siempre cambiante historia de América nunca la esperanza ha sido falsa. Porque cuando ha sido necesario enfrentar obstáculos imposibles; cuando aseguran que aun no es el momento; que no vale la pena intentarlo, o que no se puede, todas las generaciones han respondido con un credo simple que resume el espíritu de un pueblo: Si, podemos.” /By Lauren on January 23, 2012

19 January 2012


By: Sylvia Davila MM
January 19/2012

Internet loose to the World with no other aim that possible formidable profit, got fragmented in millions of hands seeking individual aims, presumaly, in the name of freedom. Freedom to think, to speak, to share which the web, in fact, gives. But it is also true that creators, developers, artists and free thinkers get overwhelmed in the web by a horde of wolves looking for personal profit out of somebody else's gifts, habilities and work.

The problem with that situation is not just the unfairness and personal loss to creators. The tragedy to the World is that thinkers and creators that cannot make their living from their gifts will become extint. And all that would be left on Earth is a jungle of sharks killing for a dime./ SDMM

17 January 2012

Martin Luther King's Day: From King to Obama

Martin Luther King's dream made all its way through with Barack Obama. On that won election day, when he showed up walking before a huge american flag waving stars and stripes, King's dream broke a frontier in history, from slavery to leadership. For a change.
/SDM, Ilustrations: Google Images

By: Sylvia Davila MM
Illustrations: Google Images
January 17/2012

11 January 2012


By: Sylvia Davila MM
Illustration: Google Images
January 11/2012

Data and statistics are tools very much used by scientists, researches, journalists and people in general. Reviewing it, data regarding People is mainly divided by race, sex and religion. All of them concepts that have always been at the root of great confrontations in history. People are labeled as catholics, jews or muslims, white, black, latin, asian, men, woman, homosexuals. Labels that do precisely that: label people, set limits, differentiate, set apart, confront.

A world where people were labeled by what they do or by the stage of life they are, would have to be a different world. What keeps the world turning is not how people look, prey or lay but what they do. Mothers, retired people, students, farmers, soldiers, health specialist, teachers, builders, thinkers, etc. and, of course, children and elders. By focusing in the action itself or in the specific needs of people in certain stage on life, concepts that bear conflicting emotions like religion, race or sex would give way to all that people have in common. After all, what matters is what gets done./ January 11/2012 - Sylvia Davila M.(c)

Las estadísticas son una herramienta muy utilizada por científicos, investigadores, periodistas y la gente en general. Al mirarlas, casi todas dividen a la gente según raza, religión y sexo. Todos conceptos que han estado en la raíz de las grandes confrontaciones de la historia. A la gente se la etiqueta como católicos, judíos, musulmanes, blancos, negros, latinos, asiáticos, hombres, mujeres u homosexuales. Etiquetas que hacen precisamente eso: etiquetar gente, definir limites, diferenciar, dividir, confrontar.

Un mundo en el que la gente fuera etiquetada según lo que hace o el momento de la vida en que se encuentra, tendría que ser un mundo distinto. Madres, retirados, estudiantes, cultivadores, soldados, médicos, maestros, constructores, pensadores y, claro está, niños y viejos. Al centrarse en la actividad misma, conceptos cargados de emociones conflictivas como la religión, la raza o el sexo, darían paso a todo aquello que la gente tiene en común. Después de todo, lo que importa es lo que de hecho se hace./ January 11/2012 - Sylvia Davila (c)