19 September 2012


By: Sylvia Davila MM
September 19/2012

The only window in my studio faces the backyards of two old houses which gardens were joined to host a kindergarten playground. Two, three, four years old boys and girls show up every day. Watching them play - apart from lighting up my day- a simple and well-known truth surfaces in a visual image: children follow. Some can hardly walk and their attention wanders with every small thing - a bird, a leave falling from a tree, a sound - but soon they retake attention, look around to find a lead, and run to follow. That's children way. They follow the older person or the authority in the group. Even so more happens with their parents. By following their steps, children gently walk into the life their parents choose for them. But, as it happens, parent’s choices today will truly impact their children's lives only in the future.

When today's children reach adulthood, they will encounter a world of hard statistics: need of water, energy sources, food, shelter, and they will be accompanied by a huge population built mostly of old people and children. Today's children of the world will have in the future a hard task to bear. That is why parent's choices today will deeply impact their lives ahead. To be up to their future challenge, today's children need a world that is fair with them today.

As it is now, parents have basically two views to choose: on one hand a wild jungle where privilege is set as an aim, where success is placed upon competition on uneven grounds, where every one takes what he or she can, and where some have a strong jaws to rip the stake while the rest is left to un uncertain fate building mobs of "indignats". Or, in the other hand, a picture where children, all children, have a shot in life, education, information, knowledge, skills that regardless of their chosen path will make them able to handle situations. A picture where health exists not just for some but for all, because it is fair with them and because those that become sick will be a burden for the healthy. A world that searches today for new sources of energy that they will desperately need in the future. A place where their neighbors will help them, work with them, join them, be together, instead of discriminate them, fight against them or hate them. A world that is able to see today their future needs. Children do not have political affiliations - they are just following - and they have clear and present needs. The children of this World need their parents and grand parents now!

When a mother, a father, a grandmother or grandfather set their eyes on their beloved boys and girls, they have the power to see beyond, to look into their future. When that future comes - their parents and grand parents already gone - those boys and girls transformed into men and women handling this complex, difficult and beautiful world, will recall with gladness that their elders loved them enough to make the right choice on time. The choice is now. The United States, a leading country, is making that choice now, an historic choice. 
For more illustration see: pipolmagazine EARTH CHILDRENhttp://www.pipolmagazine.com/p/earth-children_27.html
September 19/2012 - Sylvia Davila M (c)

13 September 2012


By: Sylvia Davila MM
September 13/2012

Illustration: Google Images
En los innumerables discursos que se dieron durante la Convensión Demócrata se oyeron muchas y buenas frases pero hubo dos que resumen lo que está en juego para los Latinos americanos en las elecciones presidenciales que se avecinan: la primera, "el sueño no es solo americano sino universal", y la segunda " no se trata tanto de talentos como de oportunidades". De hecho, el sueño americano es el sueño de vida de cualquier persona en este mundo: ir hacia adelante y hacia arriba, de la pobreza a la abundancia, de la desocupación al oficio, de la ignorancia al conocimiento, de la dificultad al éxito, de la desdicha a la dicha. Y cuando se intenta conseguirlo en tierra ajena la diferencia la hacen las oportunidades que esa tierra brinde.

En Estados Unidos se dan muchos y variados casos de latinos exitosos en muchas disciplinas. Como el mexicano Jose Hernandez oficial de la NASA, la cantante y compositora cubana Gloria Estefan ubicada entre los cien mejores, o el científico colombiano Rodolfo Llinas que dirige el departamento de Neurociencias de la Universidad de Nueva York. Apenas tres ejemplos de latinos que llegaron alto en sus carreras sin duda por sus talentos, pero también sin duda porque encontraron en el camino oportunidades de avance. También es cierto que hay muchos latinos que se mueven en el circulo de los "servicios primarios" y andan por ahí con el sueño bien apretado entre el bolsillo. Para ellos, como lo fue para los anteriores, la posibilidad de sacar el sueño del bolsillo reside en la visión que de ellos tenga la tierra que los hospeda. O bien los incluye con todas las oportunidades que ello implica, o apenas les permite vivir allí para hacer uso de sus buenos servicios. Son dos visiones opuestas. En estas elecciones se enfrentan también dos visiones distintas. Para diferenciarlas todo lo que hay que hacer es darle una mirada a la intención que hay detras de cada decisión, medida o política que ha impactado, impacta o impactará lo esencial de la vida - el sueño en el bolsillo - de cada uno de los latinos en America. El sistema de salud los incluye o excluye?. A la educación, tienen acceso equitativo?. El trabajo, hay oportunidades de crecimiento? A estas alturas de mi blog no sorprendrá a ninguno de mis lectores oirme decir que la respuesta a esas preguntas en este preciso instante de la historia americana es Barack Obama.
Lo he dicho antes:
 "Una decisión Histórica": http://www.pipolmagazine.com/2012/07/historic-choice.html y "Barack y Biden, Por Qué?": http://www.pipolmagazine.com/2012/06/barack-biden-por-que.html 

Y creo que es así porque la suya es una visión que equilibra, que incluye, que comparte. Un plan de salud que abarca a todos, cargas taxativas equitativas, tarifas educativas accequibles a diversos presupuestos, la defensa de los derechos de los niños latinos nacidos allí, una visión que abre las puertas a los que apenas empiezan. Como el mismo Obama lo ha dicho tantas veces, una visión en la que cada uno tenga una oportunidad, cada uno haga su parte y cada uno juegue con las mismas reglas.  Con esa intención, con ese impulso, todos los inmigrantes en un país de inmigrantes y, en este caso específico los Latinos, podrán hacer honor a lo suyo, a su cultura y talentos y a sus cosas queridas - la trompeta y las maracas, los tacos y el sancocho, el español con RRs o sin RRs, la salsa, el mariachi o la cumbia, las polleras coloridas y las camisas floridas, las fiestas bulliciosas y la solidaridad de familia.  Todos los colores de la Latinoamerica querida, trabajadora, ruidosa y festiva instalados en una visión que los lleve hacia adelante y hacia arriba, les de la oportunidad y les permita brillar con luz propia./ September 13/2012 - Sylvia Davila Morales. 

During the recent Democratic Convention many good phrases were heard in the speeches, but there were two that sum up what it's at stake for Latinos in the coming presidential election: "The dream is not just American but Universal", and "It is not just about talent but about opportunity". In fact, the American dream is a life dream of any person in this world: to go forward and upwards, from poverty to abundance, from unemployment to mastery, from ignorance to knowledge, from difficulties to success, from unhappiness to happiness. The difference to accomplish that dream in a foreign land lies on the opportunities that land gives. America shows many cases of successful Latinos in various disciplines. Like Mexican José Hernández a NASA official, Cuban singer and composer Gloria Estefan set among the best one hundred, or Colombian Rodolfo Llinas head of the Neuroscience department in New York University. Just three examples of Latinos who reached high positions, certainly, thanks to their talents but also because they found in their way a chance to grow. It is also true that the country shows many Latinos who move in the circle of "primary services" and go about holding tight the dream in their pockets. For them, as it happened to the others, the possibility to take the dream out of the pocket lies on the way they are acknowledge by the land that host them. Are they contained in the vision with all the opportunities it implies? Or are they just allowed to live there offering good services. Those are two opposite visions. In this election, also, two different visions are there for all to see. To find the differences all there is to do is to spot the intention behind every decision, measure or politic that has impacted, impacts or will impact the essences of live - the dream in the pocket - of every latino in America. Health, does it include them or exclude them? Education, is it fairly accessible? Work, are there chances to grow? At hits point of my blog it will surprise no one to hear me say that the answer to all those questions in this moment of American history is Barack Obama. I have said it before:
 "Historic Choice": http://www.pipolmagazine.com/2012/07/historic-choice.html y "Barack y Biden, Why?": http://www.pipolmagazine.com/2012/06/barack-biden-por-que.html 

And I believe it is so because his is a vision that balances, than encompasses that shares. Health plans that covers all, fair tax distribution, affordable education fees, the defense of the Latin children born in America, a vision that opens the door to those that take their first steps. As Obama has said it so many times, a vision where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules. With that intention behind, with that impulse, all immigrants in a nation made of immigrants, would be able to honor their own culture and talents and their dear things - the trumpet and the maracas, tacos and sancocho, Spanish with or without RRs, salsa, marichi and cumbia, colored skirts and flowered shirts, noisy parties and family solidarity. All shapes of beloved Latin American, hard worker, colorful and joyful set in a place that push them forward and upwards and that gives them the opportunity to shine on their own right./September 13/2012 - Sylvia Davila Morales



08 September 2012


Photos and Words

By: Sylvia Davila MM
September 8/2012

Illustration: Google Images

04 September 2012



By: Sylvia Davila MM
September 4/2012
Photo: Laura Wills

"Social responsibility" are words that have come in use especially regarding the private sector's involvement in social issues. But the term has a wider meaning: the responsibility of an entire society with decision it makes collectively and individually, decisions that will have an impact in every person's life, in their country, and in the world at large.

To vote is an individual decision that becomes a collective action and sets the course for one and for all. That is why a cornerstone of "social responsibility" is every individual being well informed about the decision he or she is going to make. The American Democratic Convention - the people that have ruled the most powerful country on Earth for the last four years - begins today until Thursday. It would make sense for every one, followers, oppositors or indifferents, to listen to what they have to say./Sylvia Davila Morales


El término "responsabilidad social" se ha puesto de moda especialmente cuando se refiere a la participación del sector privado en temas sociales. Pero estas dos palabras tienen un significado mucho más ámplio: la responsabilidad de toda una sociedad con las decisiones que toma en forma individual y colectiva, decisiones que impactan, no solo la vida personal de cada uno, sino la del país en el que vive y el mundo en toda su dimensión.

Votar es una decisión individual que se transforma en una acción colectiva y define el rumbo para uno y para todos. Es por eso que parte fundamental de la "responsabilidad social" son individuos bien informados sobre las decisiones que van a tomar. La Convención Demócrata de los Estados Unidos - la de las personas que han gobernado el país más poderoso del planeta durante los últimos cuatro años - empieza hoy hasta el jueves. Tendría sentido para todos y cada uno seguidores, opositores o indiferentes, oir qué tienen qué decir/ Sylvia Davila Morales

01 September 2012


By: Sylvia Davila MM
September 1/2012
A Word on Earth News
Illustration Google Images

Very often independent verification actors, the press or the Democratic Campaign Truth Team come up setting right information that has been put out of context, mislead, lied about or somehow twisted by the opposite campaign in their TV adds or speeches. It happens so often that it creates a worrying fact that Americans would do well thinking about. Because if to reach a tough aim, any aim - in this case the Presidency of a nation - the information that is given to people is deliberately misused, ¿what credibility would they have should they reach their aim? A Presidency always has tough aims to reach. It is worrying not just to the world that would have to deal with them, but to the people of their nation who would have to decide - every time with every issue - to believe them or not. 

Also, it is at least ironic to hear the Republican candidates crying for an end of a crisis that happened (Wall Street crisis) during the last days of eight years of Republican rule./ September 1/2012- Sylvia Davila Morales


Muy a menudo actores independientes encargados de verificar la información política, la prensa o el Truth Team de la Campaña Demócrata salen a corregir información que ha sido puesta fuera de contexto, sobre la que se ha mentido o se ha cambiado en alguna forma por parte de la campaña opositora en sus comerciales televisados y en los discursos. Sucede tan a menudo que el hecho crea una situación preocupante la cual los americanos harían bien en reflexionar. Porque si para alcanzar una meta difícil, cualquier meta - en este caso la Presidencia de la Nación - la información que se le da al público es deliberadamente cambiada ¿qué credibilidad pueden esas personas tener si alcanzaran la meta? Toda Presidencia siempre tiene metas difíciles de alcanzar. Es preocupante no solamente para el mundo que tendría que lidiar con ellos sino para su propia gente que tendría que decidir - cada vez y en cada caso - creerles o no.

También, es por lo menos irónico oír a los candidatos Republicanos pedir a gritos el final de una crisis que sucedió (la crisis de Wall Street) precisamente en las postrimerías de ocho años de gobierno Republicano./ September 1/2012 - Sylvia Davila Morales. (c)